Bachelor's thesis,
edhea 2020, under the direction
by Marie Velardi
In this work, inspired by the ecofeminist movement and texts, I choose to stage different texts by mixing a scientific and poetic approach, intermingling different types of attention. I started by focusing on the waters of Lake Geneva. Water is at the center of ecological concerns. After reading several recent articles dealing with the pollution of Lake Geneva by microplastics and the risk of depletion of freshwater resources due to the melting of the glaciers, I question my view of this lake in front of which I grew up and which I watch every day, but ultimately without really knowing him.
The total and interconnected nature of water quickly pushes me to make this book not only a focus on Lake Geneva but a research around our links with water and its related ecosystems, our emotions, and the political nature of these links. Sensitive perceptions, scientific analyses, artistic approaches, personal philosophical or poetic writings or borrowed from authors whose texts nourish my research.
I chose to interweave different parts of texts, views on Roni Horn's work as well as images to tell a story not made with a single voice, readable in a single frozen timeline, but a multiple story with fragments. interconnected, leaving space for the readers' own emotions.
Viewable in full here: https://issuu.com/sandrineg.grise/docs/watertowater